Adrian Sada T. Award
The well known trajectory of Don Adrian Sada Trevino as an international hunter, born in Monterrey Mexico, with irreproachable ethics in all aspects of his life as well as a big game hunter; his intense work spanning many years for world wildlife conservation and his personal charisma as a person and a friend, has brought us to the decision that this important Award bear his name. This a simple but becoming tribute to this great Latin American hunter and conservationist who received many awards in his hunting career of which the more notable were the World Conservation and Hunting Award from SCI and the Weatherby Award.
The Adrian Sada T. Hunting Award was created in 2011 and honors the achievements of international sportsmen who hunt native species from and within Latin America. The award consists of beautiful, hand made crystal figures, which represents three different levels. Hunters can attain them over time as they increase their collection of Latin American species, depending on the level requirements they successfully fulfill; eventually completing the whole trophy. Currently, SCI recognizes a total of 31 different species from said vast region.
The three levels of the Adrian Sada T. Award are:
1st level - White Lipped Pecari
RIFLE: 7 species
BOW: 4 species
2nd level - Red Broquet Deer
RIFLE: 12 Species.
BOW: 7 Species.
3rd level - Desert Bighorn Sheep
RIFLE: 16 Species.
BOW: 11 Species.
100% of funds generated from participation in this award, are used by the Adrian Sada Trevino Hunting Award Executive Committee for scholarships focused on helping those students at all levels studying wildlife going all the way from field technicians through post graduate studies on the conservation and sustainability of wildlife in Latin America. Funding also contributes to promote the correct management and conservation wildlife projects within the same region.
The Award Executive Committee is conformed by Organización Vida Silvestre (OVIS), the Sada Family, recognized Latin American hunters and Safari Club International Monterrey Chapter-SCI/MTY.
In order to receive this prestigious award, the hunter must bring to completion the rules below:
- 1. Must be an active member of the Safari Club International (SCI).
2. Fill out the application form and send it to the Adrian Sada T. Hunting Award Committee.
3. Acceptance by SCI of a registered trophy of the species on the award list guarantees acceptance by the “Adrian Sada T. Award Committee”.
4. Those trophies that were legally hunted but currently are restricted through local regulations in their country of origin will count towards the award. Copy of the record book entry form of SCI will be required as well as the document of the official SCI measurement where it is clearly shown that the trophy was legally hunted at that time.
5. Field photographs of the animal or photographs of the mounted trophy must be submitted.
6. The Adrian Sada T. Hunting Award Committee reserves the right to investigate the legality of any trophy to be registered.
- Federico Sada González - Desert Bighorn Sheep Level
- Jesús Yuren Guerrero - Desert Bighorn Sheep Level
- Marcial Gómez Sequeira - Desert Bighorn Sheep Level
- Rodrigo Guillermo Munro-Wilson Cepeda - White Lipped Peccary Level
- Juan Antonio Cedillo - Desert Bighorn Sheep Level
- Alejandro Reyes Vázquez - Desert Bighorn Sheep Level
- Alfonso Ruíz Porras - Red Brocket Deer Level
- Carlos Francisco Mondragón Cuellar - White Lipped Peccary Level
- Alfonso Ruíz Porras - Desert Bighorn Sheep Level
- Carlos Francisco Mondragón Cuellar - Red Brocket Deer Level
For further information please visit: (USA P.469 732 8194), (MEX P.+52 81 8863 1563) or send us a message here.